fry vt.,vi. (fried;frying) 1.用油煎,用油炸烤炒。 2.〔美俚〕(使)被处电刑。 fry in one's own grease 作法自毙,自作自受。 fry the fat out of (business men, etc.) 【美政】使(实业家等)出钱。 have other fish to fry 别有要事〔见 fish 条〕。 n. 1.油炸物;〔英国〕油炸杂碎。 2.〔美国〕油煎品聚餐。 3.〔口语〕烦恼,愤激。 a fish fry备有油炸鱼的野餐会。 n. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.鱼秧,鱼苗,小鱼。 2.鱼苗群。 3.小生物群〔蜂、蛙等〕。 small [lesser, young] fry 1. 小鱼群。 2. 〔蔑称〕小崽子,后生小子。 3. 零杂物件。 n. 弗赖伊〔姓氏〕。
Mr. whitford stands aloof from any notice of small fry . 惠特福德先生高高在上,从来不注意小人物。
He remembered he had once said the great trust had overlooked his little enterprise, distaining to plunder such small fry . 他记得自己有一回说过,这个大托拉斯有意放过他这门小本经纪,不屑吞这种小鱼。
Salesclerk ? do you want large fries or small fries 店员?薯条是大份的还是小份的?
Your worst nightmare . a small fry with a big attitude 你们的大恶梦,有靓姿势的小鱼
I could stick you up my ass , small fry 小矮子,你站起来才够到我的屁眼吧
Anyway why did you fight with a small fry 你为什么要和个小混混过不去?
All we gotta do is lose the small fries 我们要做的就是丢掉那些小家伙
All right , small fry , help yourself 行了,小鬼,自己动手吧!
"Small Fry" is an American popular song written in 1938 by Hoagy Carmichael and Frank Loesser. It was first sung and introduced by Bing Crosby, in the film Sing You Sinners (1938).